Monday, March 26, 2007

Stopping to smell the roses really does help!

This is a new theory that is intriguing scientists across the globe. The topic of this blog is:


"German researchers found they could use odors to re-activate new memories in the brains of people while they slept -- and the volunteers remembered better later." Is what CNN reported. Also noted is that most memories are made during sleep. Jan Born, a scientist studying this recrutied 74 volunteers to play a game similar to "Concentration". Born then wafted the scent of roses. The next day the volunteers had remebered 97.2 percent of the cards they had flipped over the day before! Some may think that it had nothing to do with the roses. Born's team had figured that and tested the same volunteers without the rose smell. They had only remebered 86 percent of the cards from the previous day! Thus proving that the roses had made a great difference in the memory. The team concluded that we may "learn" in our sleep such as animals do. I believe that this is a new breakthrough. From just remembering where you put your car keys, to remembering exact information, its just as simple as stopping to smell the roses.


CNN Article