Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Computers Speak Dog?-- Current Event-- Blog #3

The amazing computers of today can speak just about every language known to man. But what about Dog? The topic is:


This new computer that can understand barks of dogs is amazing. They first recorded 6 barks from 14 Hungarian Sheepdogs, and let the computer analyze them. Each bark meant something different (Ex. Walk, Play, Fight, etc.). The news article from LiveScience explains what it can do:
"After analyzing digital versions of the barks, overall the computer program correctly identified the kinds of barks the dogs made 43 percent of the time — about the same as humans' 40 percent, said researcher Csaba Molnár, an ethologist at Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary. The software identified 'walk' and 'ball' barks better than people, although people identified 'play' and 'alone' barks better than the software."

The computer even analyzed the correct bark 52% of the time! You may think that is low, but it is still accurate more than half of the time!

They continue to improve the machine and hope to come through with more discoveries about the canine language soon.


LiveScience News Article

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